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An Advanced Review of Speech Language Pathology and Practice Tests

Diane Paul-Chocolate-brown and Joseph H. Ricker

Most this Certificate

This technical report regarding approaches to referral and collaboration represents a joint effort past members of the Ad Hoc Joint Committee on Interprofessional Relationships of the American Oral communication-Language-Hearing Clan (ASHA) and Division xl (Clinical Neuropsychology) of the American Psychological Association (APA). ASHA representatives included Pelagie Beeson, Susan Ellis Weismer, Audrey Holland, Susan Langmore, Lynn Maher, Mark Ylvisaker, and Diane Paul-Dark-brown (ex officio). Alex F. Johnson was the ASHA monitoring vice-president (2000–2002). APA representatives included Kenneth Adams, Sharon Brown, Jill Fischer (chair, 1997–1999), Robin Hanks, Doug Johnson-Greene, Sanford Pederson, Steven Putnam, and Joseph H. Ricker (chair, 2000–2002). The study was prepared past Diane Paul-Brown (ASHA) and Joseph H. Ricker (APA) on behalf of the joint committee. This technical report was canonical by ASHA'southward Executive Board (EB 17-2002) at their 2002 meeting.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Carol Caperton in the grooming of this certificate.

Speech-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists engage in areas of distinct and mutual professional practise. The purpose of this document is to encourage referral and collaboration between speech-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists, and to inform referral sources (e.g., physicians, rehabilitation and other health care professionals, educators, example managers) about the roles of both professions. The ultimate goal is improved quality of service for individuals affected by communication and cerebral disorders.

This paper describes the training and credentialing standards for both professions, and the roles of speech-linguistic communication pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists in the cess and handling of individuals with acquired cognitive- communication disorders. Following these descriptions is a word on the overlap and divergence between the ii professions in the utilise of tests and measures, likewise equally areas of handling specific and unique to each profession. Side by side is a give-and-take of the employ of norms related to published measures, age, and other demographic factors, and recommendations for collaboration betwixt the professions.

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Standards for Training and Credentialing in Each Profession

Oral communication-language pathology. ASHA certifies individuals in spoken communication-language pathology and audiology. ASHA'southward Certificates of Clinical Competence (CCC), which are granted in oral communication-language pathology and in audiology, allow the holder to provide independent clinical services and to supervise the clinical do of service providers who do non hold certification, pupil trainees, and support personnel ( ASHA, 2000). Applicants for certification in speech-linguistic communication pathology must run across the four requirements established by ASHA, including specific academic form piece of work, practicum, national examination, and clinical fellowship.

Speech-language pathologists must hold a principal's or doctoral degree. The chief's degree must be earned from a program accredited past the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA). Applicants for certification must have earned at least 75 semester credit hours that reflect a well-integrated program of study dealing with the biological/physical sciences and mathematics; the behavioral and/or social sciences, including normal aspects of human behavior and communication; and the nature, prevention, evaluation, and handling of spoken language, linguistic communication, hearing, and related disorders (ASHA, 2000).

The 2d requirement is supervised clinical observation and clinical practicum. After sufficient class work has been completed, students are assigned to practica provided by the educational institution or a cooperating program. The student must complete at least 25 hours of clinical ascertainment and 350 hours of supervised clinical practicum involving evaluation and handling of children and adults with communication disorders. Only direct contact with a client or a client's family unit in cess, management, and/or counseling tin be counted toward practicum ( ASHA, 2000). The practicum supervisor must agree a Certificate of Clinical Competence by ASHA. Applicants for certification too must pass the national examination in speech-language pathology inside ii years of the date of the course work and practicum.

The final certification requirement is the completion of the clinical fellowship. The fellowship consists of at least 36 weeks of full-fourth dimension professional experience or its part-fourth dimension equivalent, to be completed within a maximum of 36 sequent months and inside iv years of the date the academic coursework and practicum were approved past ASHA ( ASHA, 2000). The fellowship must be completed under the supervision of an ASHA-certified spoken communication-language pathologist. Requirements for supervision and activities are defined in the Certification and Membership Handbook ( ASHA, 2000).

It is important to note that the requirements for ASHA certification may or may not be the aforementioned as a land'due south licensure requirements ( ASHA, 2000). Country regulatory agencies may be contacted for data on regulation of speech-language pathologists and audiologists. ASHA maintains a list of states that regulate audiology and spoken language-linguistic communication pathology practice.

ASHA has a specialty recognition programme for professionals with advanced knowledge and skills in certain areas in speech-language pathology. An ASHA-canonical specialty recognition program in cognitive-communication currently does not exist. The Academy of Neurologic Advice Disorders and Sciences (ANCDS) offers Board Certification in Neurologic Communication Disorders in adults, children, or both on a voluntary ground. Eligibility is limited to speech-language pathologists who hold ASHA certification or a current country license, have at least 5 years of experience with neurologic advice disorders, and meet a rigorous fix of standards.

Clinical neuropsychology. Clinical neuropsychology is a professional and scientific bailiwick that, broadly defined, deals with encephalon-beliefs relationships ( Eubanks, 1997). It tin involve both assessment of and intervention for cognitive and emotional disorders in children and adults. Clinical neuropsychology is a recognized specialty inside the broader field of professional applications of psychology.

A clinical neuropsychologist holds a doctorate plus a state license to practice as a psychologist. Withal, there is a great deal of variability in training and credentials in the do of clinical neuropsychology. Although a few programs railroad train students exclusively in clinical neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychologists in Due north America are typically trained in clinical, counseling, or school psychology. Subsequent to this training, they are licensed as "psychologists" past their land board. Only one state board (Louisiana) offers a specialty license in clinical neuropsychology; all other states license clinicians merely as "psychologists" in a general sense regardless of specialty training (due east.g., neuropsychology, psychoanalysis, forensic psychology).

Sectionalization 40, the Clinical Neuropsychology Division of the APA, in conjunction with the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), has established a definition and guidelines for training in a report of the INS-Division 40 Task Force ( 1987; see also Segmentation 40 of the APA, 1989). By this standard, a clinical neuropsychologist is defined every bit "…a professional person psychologist who applies principles of cess and intervention based on the scientific written report of human being behavior as it relates to normal and abnormal operation of the key nervous organization. The clinical neuropsychologist is a doctoral-level psychology provider of diagnostic and intervention services who has demonstrated competence in the awarding of such principles for human welfare…" ( Sectionalization 40, 1989). The definition suggests several major domains of demonstrated competence:

  1. Successful completion of systematic didactic and experiential training in neuropsychology and neuroscience at a regionally accredited university;

  2. Two or more than years of appropriate supervised preparation applying neuropsychological services in a clinical setting;

  3. Licensing and certification to provide psychological services to the public by laws of the state or province in which he or she practices;

  4. Review by one's peers every bit a examination of these competencies.

  5. Attainment of the ABCN/ABPP Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology is the clearest prove of competence as a clinical neuropsychologist, assuring that all of these criteria take been met. The statement reflects the official position of APA'due south Division of Clinical Neuropsychology, but is not to exist construed as contrary or superordinate to the polices of the APA overall.

The American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN), the affiliated specialty board of the American Board of Professional person Psychology (ABPP), is responsible for the test for the diploma in clinical neuropsychology. Attainment of the diploma in clinical neuropsychology indicates that a clinical neuropsychologist has had his or her credentials thoroughly reviewed, has undergone a rigorous examination of knowledge and exercise by peers, and has been institute competent to practice.

In September 1997, a conference of clinical neuropsychological educators and practitioners was assembled to discuss problems related to formal instruction and grooming in clinical neuropsychology ( Hannay et al., 1998; Houston Briefing). Although these standards will almost certainly guide the training of future clinical neuropsychologists, they cannot exist retroactively applied to electric current practitioners. Essentially, the briefing presented education and training models for becoming a clinical neuropsychologist, with specific guidelines at graduate, internship, and postdoctoral training levels.

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Exercise Issues

Speech-linguistic communication pathology. Oral communication-linguistic communication pathologists, in accord with a Lawmaking of Ethics ( ASHA, 2001a), diagnose and treat children and adults with speech, spoken and written language, and swallowing disorders, including cognitive-communication disorders. A principal purpose for addressing advice and related disorders is to effect positive measurable and functional change(due south) in an private's communication status in order that he or she may participate as fully equally possible in all aspects of life—social, educational, and vocational. Central considerations for handling include maximizing improvement and/or maintenance of functional communication, evaluation of communication outcomes, and enhancement of quality of life. Spoken communication-linguistic communication pathologists recognize that advice is always an interactive process, and that the focus of intervention may include grooming of communication partners (e.g., caregivers, family members, peers, educators, etc.) and modification of communication in schools, workplaces, and other settings.

ASHA has delineated specific roles of speech communication-language pathologists in the handling of individuals with cerebral impairment ( ASHA, 1987). The Telescopic of Practice in Speech-Linguistic communication Pathology ( ASHA, 2001b), as it relates to cognitive-communication impairments, states that the practice of voice communication-language pathology includes:

  • Providing prevention, screening, consultation, assessment and diagnosis, treatment, intervention, direction, counseling, and follow-up for disorders of cognitive aspects of communication (east.g., attention, retentivity, problem solving, executive functions).

  • Collaborating in the assessment of central auditory processing disorders and providing intervention where there is evidence of speech, language, and/or other cognitive-advice disorders.

The Preferred Practice Patterns for the Profession of Speech-Language Pathology ( ASHA, 1997a) likewise address the cess, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals with cerebral-communication disorders. Cognitive-communication assessment is divers as "procedures to assess cognitive-advice impairments, delineating strengths, deficits, contributing factors, and implications for functional communication" ( ASHA, 1997a). Cess of cognitive-advice impairment is expected to "…identify and describe strengths and deficits related to cognitive factors (e.m., attention, memory, and problem solving) and related language components (east.g., semantics and pragmatics)" and "…may result in a diagnosis of a cerebral-communication disorder, recommendations for treatment or follow-upwards, or referral for other examinations or services" ( ASHA, 1997a). Handling for a patient with a cognitive-communication disorder should outcome in improved, altered, augmented, or compensated speech, improved oral and written language, and improved cognitive-communication behaviors. Treatment may also lead to recommendations for reassessment or follow-upwardly, or for referral for other examinations or services ( ASHA, 1997a). The guiding principles that formed the basis of the Preferred Practice Patterns highlight the functional purpose of communication and the essential role of communication partners.

The practice patterns:

  • Admit that a primary purpose for addressing communication and related disorders is to upshot measurable, functional change(s) in an private'south communication status in club that he or she may participate as fully as possible in all aspects of life — social, educational, and vocational.

  • Recognize that communication is always an interactive process, and that the focus of intervention should include training of communication partners (e.1000., caregivers, family members, peers, educators, etc.).

  • Consider outcomes including prevention of communication, swallowing, and other related disorders; improvement and/or maintenance of functional communication; and enhancement of the quality of life ( ASHA, 1997a).

Clinical neuropsychology. Although clinical neuropsychologists and speech communication-language pathologists both assess cognition in intact and compromised individuals, clinical neuropsychologists are specifically trained and licensed to formally evaluate and treat mood disturbances and emotional operation. Existence typically trained every bit clinical, counseling, or school psychologists, clinical neuropsychologists routinely provide intervention in the form of psychotherapy, behavior therapy, or counseling with reference to emotional or behavioral problems. It is of import to note that these emotional/behavioral bug may or may non be related to the private'southward injury, affliction, or nearly proximal reason for referral.

Clinical neuropsychological and spoken language-language assessments involve the awarding of psychometric principles and procedures (i.eastward., standardized testing, measurement, and structured observation) in the evaluation and treatment of encephalon-behavior relationships. Clinical neuropsychological assessment can provide a unique and necessary component to the evaluation and rehabilitative treatment of the potential cognitive and emotional dysfunction following stroke, brain tumor, and other types of central neurologic dysfunction.

Traditional medical tests and examinations provide data on gross anatomic construction as aspects of physiology and illness. Because of the psychometric and comprehensive nature of a detailed clinical neuropsychological evaluation, a clinical neuropsychological assessment can assist in identifying and quantifying potential functional effects of cardinal neurologic dysfunction. Such deficits include impairments in attending, language, retentivity, spatial skills, problem solving, psychomotor abilities, and emotional functioning.

Extensive testing in the astute intendance setting immediately following the onset or exacerbation of cerebral impairment may be of only minimal benefit given the possibility of delirium, transient aphasia, or pregnant motoric compromise. Cursory, focused testing (followed subsequently with a more comprehensive speech, language, and clinical neuropsychological evaluation), however, can be of do good in identifying and quantifying residual impairments, also as in making appropriate recommendations for reducing disability and enhancing functional condition and participation. This is important for rehabilitation programming, given the need to place functional capacities that are available for compensatory strategies, as well as those areas that may need to be targeted for improvement. In many astute care settings, the speech-language pathologist conducts the brief, focused testing. As the patient is able to tolerate more than testing, the speech communication-language pathologist may conduct an extensive voice communication and linguistic communication evaluation and recommend a clinical neuropsychological evaluation. Clinical neuropsychological and speech-language evaluations tin help in formulating plans for customs re-integration following cognitive compromise. Complete evaluation in both professions is besides useful in identifying and quantifying areas of improvement, which may be required for certain aspects of re-integration after brain impairment (e.g., re-establishing legal independence following appointment of a guardian). Documentation of comeback is likely to be of condolement to individuals (and to the families of these individuals) who have sustained key neurologic dysfunction. Formal assessment is also useful when formulating individual behavioral management plans, given the fact that such plans rely heavily on an individual'due south ability to larn and follow directions. Clinical neuropsychological and voice communication-language assessment can also, in some instances, be used as an index of efficacy for some types of handling, such as interventions designed to reduce cognitive impairments (which may be one goal of cerebral rehabilitation), as well as to index changes following certain medical interventions (due east.g., pharmacotherapy).

In some settings, clinical neuropsychologists and speech-language pathologists may provide services focused on ameliorating acquired cognitive problems. Clinical neuropsychologists and speech-language pathologists may also provide services to assist patients with learning new strategies to compensate for acquired cognitive impairments or to modify tasks and environmental demands to increment successful participation despite ongoing disability. These interventions are provided under a variety of names, such as cognitive rehabilitation, cognitive remediation, neuropsychological rehabilitation, and cognitive retraining. Although in wide use, these approaches vary greatly from facility to facility, and have only recently been discipline to more rigorous empirical research (see Ylvisaker, Hanks, & Johnson-Greene, 2002, for a literature review). When considering a referral for such services, information technology is of import to consider the empirical basis for the intervention, the probable improvement in cognition from spontaneous recovery alone, the rationale for the intervention (e.g., retraining vs. education compensatory strategies), the effects of do, and the qualifications and feel of the provider.

Clinical neuropsychologists and speech-language pathologists can too exist of assistance in rehabilitation by identifying cognitive and behavioral bug that are of relevance in vocational re-integration, and can also aid clients and employers in identifying and developing realistic workplace accommodations in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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Areas of Overlap and Departure in Tests and Measures

Although each discipline has its own measures, both professions utilize some of the same tests (e.g., Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Exam; Boston Naming Exam; Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic Brain Injury; Western Aphasia Battery). Spoken communication-linguistic communication pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists should effort to coordinate evaluation so there is no overlap in test option. The result of exercise furnishings is directly relevant to this recommendation. Practice effects refer to an improvement in test scores, or even more broadly, a domain of cognition, as a part of exposure to like (but non identical) tests, paradigms, or strategies. In addition, spoken language-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists should be enlightened of interventions and their touch on on test results. Intervention by a speech-linguistic communication pathologist may affect the results of a subsequent clinical neuropsychological evaluation (through exposure, practice, test sophistication, or improvement in part). Besides, a clinical neuropsychological assessment has the potential to similarly touch on functioning on instruments used by speech-language pathologists. Repeated administration may lead to inflated recovery curves.

Speech-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists also should be aware of relevant guidelines for test usage. The Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education ( 1988) presents standards for educational test developers and users in several areas. In addition, the APA has adopted the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (1999). Some test-related issues that ascend include the following:

  • Professionals with a particular license or credential may only purchase some measures. For example, the utilise of intelligence tests is typically restricted to licensed psychologists.

  • Some domains of practise for assessment/treatment (e.chiliad., IQ testing, bookish achievement testing, and personality testing) may exist defined past state rules and laws of practice.

  • Differences in terminology used by insurers, institutions, and licensing boards may upshot in ambiguity in who provides given services (e.thou., "higher level language disorders" and "cognitive disorders" may refer to the same processes, only the terms may accept very different reimbursement implications).

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Knowing Competencies and Recognizing Limits of Each Profession

Mood and emotional disorders. Because clinical neuropsychologists are typically trained as clinical psychologists, they are uniquely qualified to formally assess emotional states and to intervene using practical principles of clinical and experimental psychology. Such approaches include, merely are not limited to, psychological testing (including objective and projective approaches), personality assessment, behavior assay, psychotherapy, beliefs modification, and group interventions. Spoken language-language pathologists too provide input on such areas, and help with formulating a hypothesis regarding a patient'south condition, handling needs, or possible outcomes. Furthermore, it is within the scope of exercise for voice communication-language pathologists to evaluate, diagnose, treat, and counsel patients, family members, educators, employers, and other rehabilitation professionals in adaptive strategies for managing cognitive-communication disorders. Voice communication-language pathologists as well must integrate behavior modification treatment techniques as appropriate for the management of associated problems, such equally agitation and self-abusive and combative behaviors. Directly intervention for affective and feet disorders falls within the province of a clinical neuropsychologist, possibly teaming with a spoken communication-language pathologist if a communication problem contributes to or is a consequence of the affective or anxiety disorder.

Communication and swallowing disorders. Speech-language pathologists, in addition to caring for individuals with cognitive-communication disorders, likewise diagnose and treat a wide range of speech (i.e., articulation, fluency, voice), language (i.e., comprehension and product; literacy; phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics), swallowing disorders, or other upper aerodigestive functions ( ASHA, 2001b; 2001c). In conjunction with audiologists, they provide some services to individuals with hearing loss and their families/caregivers (due east.k., auditory training, oral communication reading). Voice communication-language pathologists also provide services to modify or enhance communication operation (e.g., emphasis modification, transgendered care and comeback of the professional voice, personal/professional person communication effectiveness). They provide these services for the full age spectrum, as well equally for the full range of severity for these weather condition. For example, speech-linguistic communication pathologists establish augmentative-alternative communication techniques and strategies for individuals with severe communication disabilities, treat individuals with motor speech disorders (e.g., apraxia, dysarthria), with difficulties learning to read and write, and with linguistic communication bug following strokes or traumatic brain injury (east.g., aphasia, anomia, agraphia, alexia) ( ASHA, 2001c). ASHA has developed a wide range of guidelines and delineated noesis and skills needed for appropriate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for individuals with cerebral-communication, speech, language, swallowing disorders, and other advice needs ( ASHA, 1997b).

Although the purpose of this document is to highlight those opportunities when referral to both professions is warranted, ASHA has available its own referral guidelines specific to referrals to voice communication-linguistic communication pathology in the area of cerebral-advice for children and adults ( ASHA, 1998; see Appendix A and B). These referral guidelines are not meant to exist exclusionary, but rather to provide further depiction of the role of a speech-language pathologist in a treatment squad in relation to other professionals.

Every bit important as it is for both spoken communication-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists to know their professional limits, it is equally important for referral sources, professional person colleagues, and interdisciplinary teams to recognize limits. For example, to a colleague or payer source not familiar with the differences, a spoken communication-language evaluation of college cognitive-communication functions and a neuropsychological evaluation might appear very similar. It is necessary for each profession to educate consumers about the unique contributions and areas of overlap of speech-language pathology and clinical neuropsychology.

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Functional Assessment and Judicious Use of Norms

It is critical that spoken communication-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists make every effort to approach cases from "the aforementioned page," both conceptually and practically from a functional perspective. In other words, it may cause unwarranted confusion for patients and their families if 1 profession views a patient from a strict score-based or numeric cut-off perspective, while some other profession views the same patient in the context of the patient's education, life experience, effort, personal goals, and values. Contemporary approaches to voice communication-linguistic communication pathology and clinical neuropsychology services stress the value of functional assessment, which "measures the ability to receive and convey messages effectively and independently, regardless of the manner of advice in natural contexts" ( Frattali, Thompson, Holland, Wohl, & Ferketic, 1995, p. 12).

Functional assessment also recognizes the demand for judicious apply of norms (east.g., Heaton, Grant, & Matthews, 1991; Spreen & Strauss, 1998) involving issues such as the determination of baseline status and the interpretation of patients' abilities in light of their didactics and other experiences. Oral communication-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists must recognize the need to consider age, pedagogy, premorbid information, social history, present social context, cultural and linguistic background, and pre-injury vocational status in formulating realistic and functional treatment goals inside the bounds of the cognitive disorder.

Speech-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists who conduct functional cess too demand to be mindful of other factors that touch the accuracy of an assessment. The World Health Arrangement definitions underscore the need for assessment to address involvement in daily life activities and social aspects of inability ( Globe Wellness Organization, 2001). Although there are many available tests and measures, most are normed and standardized on samples of educated, center-grade Caucasians (eastward.g., Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, Ross Data Processing Assessment). Authentic assessment of speech, language, and cognitive functions on standardized norm-referenced measures may be difficult for culturally and linguistically various populations, or with populations who may not accept the same level of requisite skills or experiences to perform adequately on tests. Furthermore, unless the clinician maintains an open, objective approach to assessment, there can be a "disharmonism" between clinicians' values and those of the patient and/or family (e.thousand., not anybody thinks reading is important; non everyone values competitive employment). This is some other important reason to focus on the assessment of the patient adamant by individualized goals and the culture and context in which that person functions.

Databases for determining test validity are rarely equivalent, and are virtually never identical. For example, a normative group used to establish norms for 1 detail exam may differ dramatically and in clinically meaningful ways from the normative group used for some other test. In other words, we know how a given standardization sample performs on one item test, simply nosotros rarely have any information that indicate how these same individuals perform in other domains or on other neuropsychological tests. Therefore, voice communication-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists should consult multiple sources of information for authentic test interpretation.

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Concluding Argument

Speech-language pathologists and clinical neuropsychologists certainly interact clinically, only they should also collaborate to a much greater degree regarding professional person practice issues. Attempts to separate tests and interventions into 2 mutually exclusive proprietary domains are destined to fail in the provision of the highest quality of service to the patient. No subject area should dictate or attempt to legislate the exercise of another without getting into "restraint of trade" issues. Ultimately, the focus of collaborative efforts must exist on the clinical utility of information and how professionals with complementary knowledge and skills tin affect functional outcome for patients in a beneficial fashion.

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American Psychological Association. (1985). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1987). The role of speech-linguistic communication pathologists in the habilitation and rehabilitation of cognitively impaired individuals: A report of the subcommittee on language and cognition. Asha, 29, 53–55.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1997a). Preferred practice patterns for the profession of speech-language pathology. Rockville, Md: Author.

American Spoken communication-Linguistic communication-Hearing Association. (1997b). ASHA desk reference. Rockville, MD: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1998). Guidelines for referral to speech-language pathologists. Rockville, Doctor: Author.

American Speech-Linguistic communication-Hearing Association. (2000). Certification and membership handbook: Voice communication-language pathology. Rockville, MD: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Clan. (2001a). Lawmaking of ethics. Rockville, Dr.: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Clan. (2001b). Roles and responsibilities of speech-language pathologists with respect to reading and writing in children and adolescents (position statement). Rockville, Dr.: Author.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2001c). Telescopic of practice in spoken language-language pathology. Rockville, Medico: Writer.

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Eubanks, J. D. (1997). Clinical neuropsychology summary information prepared by Sectionalisation twoscore, Clinical Neuropsychology, American Psychological Association. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 11(ane), 77–80.

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Heaton, R. K., Grant, I., & Matthews, C. G. (1991). Comprehensive norms for an expanded Halstead-Reitan Battery: Demographic corrections, research findings, and clinical applications. Odessa, FL: Psychological Cess Resource.

Hannay, H. J., Bieliauskas, 50.A., Crosson, B. A., Hammeke, T. A., Hamsher, K. deS., & Koffler, S. P. (1998). Proceedings of the Houston Conference on Specialty Educational activity Training in Clinical Neuropsychology. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, thirteen, 157–250.

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Appendix A1 PEDIATRICS: Cognitive-Communication Guidelines for Referral to Spoken language-Language Pathologists

Figure ane.

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Appendix B3 ADULTS: Cognitive-Advice Guidelines for Referral to Oral communication-Language Pathologists

Effigy two.

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Index terms: cerebral-communication, referral, interdisciplinary teams, neuropsychology

Reference this cloth equally: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2003). Evaluating and treating communication and cognitive disorders: approaches to referral and collaboration for speech-language pathology and clinical neuropsychology [Technical Study]. Bachelor from
