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When Can You Create a Class on Black Ops 4

There's a huge array of awesome weapons to play around with in Black Ops 4. And while you may have your heart set on a particular weapon, you may have to wait a while before you can unlock it. The same is true for custom classes as well, which are not available from the get-go. In this Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Create Class Level Guide, we'll detail exactly how to unlock the create a class option in Black Ops 4. We'll outline the level it will unlock, and why you might want to get there as soon as possible.

For more on Call of Duty Black Ops 4, head over to our Black Ops 4 Guides Hub. It's got a ton of info on the game, including breakdowns of Zombies, Blackout and the Multiplayer Mode proper.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Create a Class

In Black Ops 4, you'll have to use the premade classes supplied by Treyarch for the first hour or so. This is because the ability to create a class is locked behind a certain level requirement. You'll need to level up as quickly as you can to start building your own custom classes.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Create a Class Unlock Level

To create your own classes you'll need to reach level 5 in the game. This is done by completing matches and earning XP. Level 5 isn't too hard to get to, it took us under an hour in fact, so you'll be making your own classes in no time at all.

Best Black Ops 4 Class to Use Until You Unlock Create a Class

While you're plugging away trying to reach level 5 in Black Ops 4, you'll want to run with the best class possible. For this initial levelling period, we recommend running with the Breach class. It has the Cordite SMG, which will help you keep up with other players with custom classes. In terms of Specialists, go with Firebreak, his flamethrower can be a very easy way to rack up kills.

Why You Should Always Create Your Own Classes

You should always use your own classes and there's a very good reason for that - everyone else is. You'll be able to make use of Operator Mods, Wildcards and customize Perks to suit your playstyle. You can also personalize weapons with attachments, which can change a weapon's viability in certain situations.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Best Loadout

Once you've hit level 5 and can create your own classes, what should you run with. Well, while a lot of it does come down to personal preference, there are certain weapons and perks that are proving to be very good in the meta. Keep in mind that as Treyarch continues to balance the game, the best loadout will change. We'll be sure to keep this page updated, but for now let's take a look at our picks for the best loadout in Black Ops 4.

  • Primay Weapon: GKS
  • Secondary: Strife
  • Perk1: Scavenger
  • Perk 2: Lightweight
  • Perk 3: Ghost
  • Wildcard: Primary Operator Mod
  • Gear: Stim Shot
  • Equipment: Special Issue
  • Optics: Reflex
  • Attachments: Quickdraw, Long Barell (II)

How to Create a Class in Black Ops 4

Once you've hit level 5, all you need to do is head back to the main menu and head to the Class section. From here, you can customize your classes to your heart's content, and don't have to worry about loading into a match accidentally.

Jake Green

Guides Editor

Jake is a former freelance writer who now heads up guides for USG. He spends his days dreaming of an X-Files dating-sim and will play literally any game with monkeys in it. He has an unhealthy obsession with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and would pretty much trade a kidney for Skate 4 at this point.

When Can You Create a Class on Black Ops 4
